
Do You Have an Unauthorized Sewer Connection?

You may unknowingly be contributing to the overloading of the sanitary sewer system.

Clear water from sump pumps, roof drains, foundation drains, etc., is not allowed to be discharged into the sanitary sewer system, the sewer system is designed for sanitary waste only. The major source of clear water entering the sanitary sewer system is through sump pumps discharging water into the plumbing in homes and businesses. Clear water from the above mentioned sources overloads the sewer system causing the potential for flooding of waste water in homes and the businesses. These types of connections are in violation of the rules and regulations of Wolf Creek Water and Sewer Improvement District.

The District will be inspecting the sanitary systems at various locations throughout the system to identify unauthorized connections using television inspection, dye testing and flow monitoring. The District requires that all unauthorized connections to be removed as soon as possible. A $1000 fine will be imposed if a home or business is found to be illegally connected to the sewer system. A $200 fine will be imposed each day after notification has been given until rectified. If a homeowner reports to the District that they may have an unauthorized connection, no fine will be imposed if the connection is corrected within 30 days of notification by homeowner.

By everyone aiding in this action it may reduce the need for expansion of the Waste Water Treatment Facility and related Pump Stations thus keeping cost down for everyone.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. If you have any questions or need assistance please call the District office. 801-745-3435.

Wolf Creek Water and Sewer
Improvement District
Rob Thomas
General Manager