Osprey Sewer Service Agreement

    Wolf Creek Water and Sewer Improvement District

    P.O. Box 658
    Eden, UT 84310
    801-745-3435 FAX 801-745-3454

    Application is for: New ServiceChange of OwnershipRenting*Other
    *If account results in default, any past due balance will be the responsibility of the property owner.

    This agreement is subject to terms and conditions contained below. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read the entire agreement, including the terms and conditions stated below, and agree to such terms.

    I request Wolf Creek Water and Sewer Improvement District to provide Sewer service to the service address herein under the District’s authorized rate schedule. In consideration of the District’s acceptance of this application and its rendering of sewer service hereunder, I agree to pay for such service in accordance with all existing rules and regulations and at the applicable rates for such service in effect or as lawfully amended or changed from time to time. I understand that the District is NOT providing any water service.

    Interest will be charged on unpaid accounts at the rate of 1.5% monthly (18% per annum) authorized by the Board of Trustees and contained in the District’s Policies & Procedures, which provisions are incorporated herein by this reference, and which are available upon request. The stated interest rate is also applicable to judgment interest. If the District finds it necessary to take legal action to collect any amounts due on my account, I agree to pay court costs and reasonable attorney fees as determined by the court.

    I agree to pay the Merchant Handling fee if I pay with a credit/debit card or through a bank account withdrawal. There is a 3% charge on credit/debit card and a $1.10 on bank account withdrawal.

    I agree to permit the District, through their agents or employees, to enter upon the utility’s easement at the service address at all reasonable times for all purposes necessary for or incident to the rendition of sewer service

    I understand that the sewer service includes a connection point to the main sewer line in the street, and the District’s responsibility stops at the main sewer line. Installation and maintenance of the lateral from the main sewer line to the home is the owner’s responsibility. I also understand that if an E1 Sewer Pump or equivalent or individual lift station is installed on the property, it is my responsibility to take care of all installation repair and maintenance of that unit.

    I understand and agree to abide by the existing rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and requirements of the District, as those policies, procedures and requirements may change from time to time. The District will assess their own rules, fees and charges as set forth by the Board of Trustees which include but not limited to monthly service fees, late fees, and reasonable attorney fees. I agree if I do not abide by these rules, regulations and policies and remain current with my account, Wolf Creek Water and Sewer Improvement District shall have the right to discontinue service.

    I understand and agree that District’s commitment to provide sewer service is excused if interrupted or precluded by, earthquake, drought, fire, strike or labor dispute, riot, war, facility failure, orders of court or governmental agencies having jurisdiction, governmental regulation, or changes to the same, change in climatic conditions, Act of God, or the natural event or contingency beyond the District’s reasonable control.

    I understand and agree that the District maintains infrastructure to all properties within its service boundary, and I will be charged stand-by fees until such connections are requested and installed, and I will be responsible for all late fees, interest, and reasonable attorney fees for past due balances. A hook-up and inspection fee of $1,500.00 is payable upon the issue of a final Can and Will Serve letter for a building permit.

    At the Osprey Ranch subdivision, the Developer is responsible for completing the sewer infrastructure both within the subdivision and between the subdivision and the District sewage treatment plant, in accordance with the Eden Sewer Service Area Agreement of June 24, 2022 (ESSA). No sewage or wastewater may be introduced to the sewage connection at the property until (1) the Developers in the ESSA have completed the infrastructure required by the ESSA and dedicated the infrastructure to the District to service the connection; and (2) a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Building Inspection authority. From that time onward, a full active connection monthly service fee will be charged.

    I understand and agree that if I decide to rent my home to a renter and payment in full has not been paid to the District, I am the recorded owner of the property and will be responsible for the charges.

    I understand and agree if service is discontinued for reasons of payment default or at my request, monthly usage fees will still apply, and I will be responsible for those payments.